Detailed Information for N00023
Name Congo Red/Rutin-MNPs
Category Nano-inhibitors
EC50 -
IC50 -
Inhibition -
Toxicity Treatment of cells with Rutin-MNPs that had no targeted molecular Congo red reduced cytotoxicity
ROS(reactive oxygen species) The treatment of cells with Rutin-MNPs or Congo red-MNPs+Rutin diminished the levels of ROS by 48% and 50%, respectively, compared to cells exposed to Aβ+Cu 2+
Metal Chelating Cu and Zn
BBB(blood-brain barrier) PASS
Target Protein Aβ1-42
Effects (1) Congo red-MNPs+Rutin also increased the cell viability to about 90%; (2) Congo red/Rutin-MNPs effectively reduced the generation of NO;
Research Models G SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice,
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